2020 09 10 rated 5 out of 5 by col1965 from concrete roof repair i had a leaking concrete shed roof and repaired it using this adhesive.
Blackjack roofing felt adhesive reviews.
Just an advice use plenty underneath the felt so it bonds well date published.
Black jack roll roofing adhesive is a liquid applied brushable asphalt based adhesive designed to bond sheets roll roofing and also adds additional.
Cold applied black oxidised bitumen based adhesive also bonds concrete asphalt metal wood and similar surfaces.
This everbuild 904 black jack bitumen roof adhesive that is cold applied oxidised bitumen based adhesive used in bonding roofing felt to most surfaces.
Designed especially for bonding all types of roofing felt to metal concrete and timber.
Its also ideal for sealing felt laps and bonding mineral chippings.
Everbuild 904 roof felt chipping adhesive 5 litre 90405 used to bond roofing felt to itself suitable for use as a cold gritting solution.
Bonding chipping s to final layer of felt.
Black jack roof felt adhesive should be brush or mop applied to the surface and left open for 15 to 30 minutes before the roofing felt is placed into the wet adhesive film carefully rubbing or rolling each section down to ensure maximum contact with the adhesive and ensuring that all air has been excluded.